Affirms that Mr. Padgett was selected by the Master

I am here, Swedenborg.

Well, I am sorry to say that my work was a failure; and that, because of that fact, I have suffered very much since I became a spirit. I know now that what I attempted to do was injured by my preconceived ideas based on the orthodox teachings, and that I did not carry out the work of the great mission that I had been selected to perform.

I will say now, though, and you must believe me, that you have been selected to do the work which I failed to do, and I hope that you will permit me to give you one piece of advice and that is: take, record and believe only the messages as they shall come to you from Jesus and the other high spirits, and let no opinion of your own mar or flavor these communications. The truths will be presented to you and you must accept them as they come.

When I came to the spirit world and realized the failure that I had made, then everything was failure to my conscience.

In your case, you have no such preconceived ideas to hamper you or prevent you from receiving the truths, for you are used merely as a conduit through which these truths are to be received; and as they are to be declared in the very language of the writers.

I am your friend and brother and co-worker in making known these truths, and write only, because I, as a failure, can speak from experience. So my brother, turn your thought more to this work and, if necessary, sacrifice every worldly consideration to carry forward your work and make perfect your efforts to fulfill the great mission with which you have been blessed.

I will not write more now.

May the Father bless you with His love.

Your brother in Christ,




Vol. II, p. 210

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