Secondary Prayers
"The only prayer that is necessary is the prayer for the inflowing of (divine) love; all other forms, or real aspiration, of prayer are secondary…" --Jesus of Nazareth, True Gospel Revealed Anew

A Prayer for Divine Protection
Dear heavenly Father, we are very grateful for
this opportunity to come to Thee in prayer to express the
longings of our souls, to reach a closer at-one-ment with Thee, and to
experience the Presence of Thy Love. Father,
please grant us Thy Divine protection as we gather together here to offer this
evening's Prayer. Please protect us and guide us and keep us in Thy care. Amen.
Prayer for Peace
May our Father's Wondrous Will prevail in all our
lives today and always and may His Blessings be upon all of us, His children,
that through the inflowing of His Divine Love we may all experience the Peace
that Passeth all Understanding. Amen.
"We thank Thee for Thy
Love and the privilege of receiving It." Amen.
Prayer of St. Luke
Help us, O Great
Helper and Rejuvenator and Conqueror of sin and temptation! Amen.
Prayer to Free Ourselves from Sin
Heavenly Father, please help us
to awaken to a realization of our true
human condition. Help us to rediscover the inherent aspirations of our
spiritual nature,that we might be drawn more
readily to prayer to seek Thy help in making our
efforts sure and effective in freeing ourselves from sin and
error; and to seek the inflowing of Thy
Divine Love, to become part of Divinity Itself,
and nevermore subject to
temptation. Amen.
Christmas Prayer of Thanks
We who are blessed to know the true meaning of
Christmas know it to be the time of year when Jesus of Nazareth, our beloved
Divine Elder Brother and Spiritual, Eternal Leader, was born, and he grew up to
become the Messiah of our Heavenly Father. Because he yearned for and
received the Father`s Divine Love into his soul unto the complete
transformation of his soul into the Eternal Nature of our Heavenly Father, he
was able to teach his fellow man, on earth and in the spirit world, about the
availability of the Father`s Divine Love, to all of His children, for the
sincere seeking and yearning for its inflowing into their souls. Thank
you, dearest Elder brother in Christ; Thank You, Beloved Heavenly Father!
We pray to follow in your footsteps, dearest Elder Brother! Amen.
Heavenly Father, may Thy Divine Love help and guide and heal each and every one of these, Thy children. May they feel Thy Presence of Love with them, with uplifted spirits and a sense of well-being. May they be Divinely protected from all evil, whether of mortal or of spirit, as well as harmful organisms here on earth that makes us ill. Please may they feel encouraged and may they experience Joy and the Beauty of Thy Great Being of Divine Love. Amen.
Heavenly Father, may Thy children who have recently entered the world of spirit
experience peace of heart and mind, and may they receive knowledge that Thy
Divine Love is available to their hearts and souls for the sincere seeking and
longing for its inflowing, and may they know that this, Thy eternal Love, when
longed for and received, will transform their souls into Thy very Nature which
is Immortal. Amen.
I thank our beloved Heavenly Father for doing all that He can for each
individual, hoping that each one may get well and, in addition, seek His Divine
Love and one day become a very part of Him. Amen.
Father, we pray that Thy Divine Love may heal and bless Thy children in
accordance with their needs of body, mind and soul. We thank Thee from
our hearts that Thy Healing Love will be ministering to them and will give them
the feeling of Thy Loving Presence, uplifting their spirits while calming their
souls and minds and bodies to relax into Thy true Nature, thereby becoming more
receptive to Thy Great Love`s ministrations. We love Thee, Heavenly
Father and we thank Thee. And we further pray they may all be protected
from evil influences, whether of mortal or of spirit, who often seek to
intensify the illness. Amen.
prayers to our Heavenly Father for His Divine Healing of our afflictions, no
matter how great or how small, not only brings us closer to Him in love, but
helps us to gain that soulful feeling that knows He is all Holy, all Loving and
Merciful and Good. Amen.
May we all be Blessed by our Heavenly Father`s Divine Love, today and every day. And may our prayers to Him be heartfelt and earnest, for those on our intercession lists and ourselves and our own loved ones. Amen.
We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, and sincerely pray that Thy children may
continue to have Thy Divine Healing Help that will put them back on their feet,
feeling well, and knowing that You have greatly blessed them, through Thy
Divine Love. Amen.
We are so fortunate to know the real Truths about
our Heavenly Father, His gifts to us, and Jesus` true mission on earth.
THANK YOU, Jesus, for enabling mankind to again know the Way to receive
At-onement with our Glorious Heavenly Father. Amen.
May our Heavenly Father`s Divine Love bless our
Circle of Prayers and its Members, with inflowings of His Divine Love and His
healing Help wherever needed. We are very dear to Him for our undertaking
in interceding for His children whose names and needs we circulate among us for
heartfelt prayers, loving Good Will and our desires they may not only receive
Divine healing but may progress also in the qualities of the natural love,
too. Amen.
May our Heavenly Father`s Divine Love influence be
with all of you today, and may you feel the warmth of His Love in your hearts
and souls. Amen.
May our Father in Heaven hold each one of you to His
Heart of Love, and may you feel the Heavenly Bond that is unbreakable between
you. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we also need to ask Thee for Thy
Divine Protection on a daily basis, from any and all evils of the earth
plane. May we see ourselves as Thy Beloved children, created by Thee in
Thy Great Soul`s image with beautiful souls that are loving, kind and
merciful. May we be enabled by Thy Love and Strength to rise above any
helplessness, and may we come to know that Thou art our Greatest Benefactor of
Life and Good Health, and may we always aspire to become At-One with Thee in
Thy Divine Nature that is Immortal. THANK YOU, Heavenly Father. Amen.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for supplying our souls in their natural love endowment from Thee with these qualities of some of life`s finer emotions. Hopefully, they may bear fruit that will make our lives supremely happy. Amen.
May our Heavenly Father keep us all close to His Heart of Love, and through His
Divine Healing Powers may He keep you in good health and on your feet.
May His Divine Love also be felt in your hearts and souls. Amen.