This soul development of my son, which is very important for mankind to realize if they would understand what enabled him to be the Messiah of God, is the purpose of my son in writing at the present time. He hopes to explain by this not only the Old Testament as the background to his soul development, but the Talmud, some of which was available when he lived, and these non-canonical writings of the times just prior to his coming that will show the mind of Jesus, his thinking, his understanding, his insight and intuition that lifted up his heart and soul to the Father, our God of Israel, who poured out His Sacred Love upon my child and made him, in time, His real, only begotten son and thus brought to light eternal life for His creatures.
Most of what the New Testament says about me is untrue. I was married legally to Joseph, my husband, who was a young man, and not the decrepit, impotent old man he is described as by the writers who seek to make me a virgin and mother to a son whose Father has no body or spirit, only an All-Soul filled with Divine Love and Mercy, even in the taking by death of loved ones whose bodies can no longer function or sustain life as it is found on earth. No, I was wife and mother to eight flesh and blood children, my first-born being Jeshua, or Jeshu, for the people spoke differently and pronounced differently in northern and central Palestine, as people speak differently in various parts of your own country. He was born exactly like other babies, and neither he nor Joseph, nor I, had any inkling of what his career was to be; and this is the truth and entirely contrary to what is stated in the Scriptures. Jesus as a child was serious, studious, pious, one who drank eagerly at the fountainhead of religious instruction and knowledge of God's demands for right living through obedience to His Laws and love for Him. He learned that one day a Messiah would come to help give salvation to the Jewish people; and this thought, which possessed my son because he believed in the writings of Jeremiah and the prophets as well as the precepts of the rabbis, clung to him and became part of him, despite the conflicting ideas that clashed and merged in the religious Palestinian atmosphere and confused many Jews, especially of the north country, into believing that the Messiah was a patriot who would lead his country to freedom from Rome.
It was a long time before Jeshu showed any signs of a love different from the love he showed for me and his father or for his younger brothers and sisters. He was kind and gentle, but possessed a certain mysticism--a relationship with the hills and the sky, a way of looking at the distant clouds and drinking in, a love of the bright blue heavens, an intense way of holding dear the words of the religious teachers--that separated him from us.
He began to be more and more different; he spoke more and more of God and His Love which, he pointed out to us, was proven by our Scriptures, and by the time he was twenty, wondered if it could be him. This we did not understand. We thought we brought into the world a typical pious Jew of the Chassidic sect--people who had let themselves be butchered rather than do violence to their religious beliefs. Our other children, like Judah and Jacob, were more given to throwing out the Romans; they were very patriotic, as were many of the young boys of this area.
Jeshu expressed his love for his family by working hard for them and helping my husband; he was dutiful, obedient, protective to the younger children, seeking to live a life of devotion to his family and to avoid the sins of commission and neglect as understood by our community and our religion. He was patriotic, too, but possessed a patience which contrasted with the energy and impatience of his younger brothers. They could not understand how the God of Israel could permit the cruelties which Romans practiced in our country, killings, scourgings, impossible taxes, all kinds of impositions, restrictions and violations which they committed and were sanctioned by the Jewish high priests and the Sadducees.
My son Jeshu counselled peace and forbearance, for he said our God would deliver us from our enemies as in the days of Moses, and that a leader would come forth to deliver the people.
Jeshu began to talk as though he was such a leader. My sons would listen to him and be willing to go with him, and they saw in him a faith in God not found in the high places in Jerusalem nor in the hotheaded youngsters of Galilee, nor among the practical farmers and tradespeople nor even in the rabbis and Pharisees of the land.
But when he began to talk about the personal relationship to God, as having God's Soul Quality in his own being, then we thought he was insane, for to our training and knowledge a thing like this was an utter impossibility, come from a mind of one whose religious studies had deranged his mentality. We could not in all truth understand what we did not possess. Only he knew what he felt; and when he finally left our home to liberate his people, we thought he was a Zealot leader gone to fight Rome, yet bewildered, because he was not belligerent but spoke of peace with Rome through God's Love in man's soul. Thus we thought of him as deranged.
My daughters Leah and Rachel, although in their hearts they loved him dearly, wanted nothing to do with their brother's idealism but were firm in the old tradition of Law and Torah; and my husband, Joseph, who understood Jeshu's soul to a small degree only when Pilate delivered his body to him for burial, felt himself cursed for having such a son, then wept bitterly when he began to realize the worthiness of our son's soul and the sacrifice unto death which he had made, not as a blood sacrifice as most Gentiles believe, but as the sacrifice of his life to carry out his mission--the preaching of God's Divine Love in man's heart, to the opposition of the high priests who feared such unorthodox teachings and Roman response to all mention of Messiahship, which they interpreted to mean "anointing by God of a King of the Jews," especially when he was accompanied by hundreds of followers whom the Romans thought of as rebels against Caesar.
As I, and as we all here in the Celestial Heavens now understand it, Jeshu's love for his family was a natural love, purified; it later became divine through prayer; but when the conviction that he was the Messiah came to him, he told us that he must attend to his Father's business of proclaiming the "glad tidings" of His Love, and that for this was he born. His natural love, which as a young man would have turned him to thoughts of love and marriage, deepened into Divine Love and, absorbed by it, held a marvelous feeling of filial and fraternal devotion and made him feel like the dearest brother to all men and women--all mankind--taking away from him the thought of women and family life. He loved all people with a love which showed itself in kindness, in service, in helping others, in healing wounds of sicknesses, in alleviating sorrow and giving sympathy and comfort for the depressed, the bereaved, the heartbroken and the helpless.
He brought hope and taught salvation to thousands. Even when they did not understand, there was a sincerity, an absolute faith and conviction in the eternal life of the soul which spoke to people's hearts, if not to their minds, and many felt he was the light to the Jewish people who would show the way to God and to peace, in this world and in the next. Jeshu showed this faith and conviction and love up to the last, on the cross at Golgotha; it was a courage and a patience beyond human capabilities. And, at last, at the foot of the cross, I understood something of what he said and what was in his soul, even just before the end, when I grieved for the one I considered a good son, dying because of a disturbance which manifested itself in a different path in religion and defiance of Roman power. How mistaken was I, my family and my husband! We understood, yes, after his death, when pain and grief and love had brought some of the Divine Love into our souls. Joseph preached away from home; Jacob founded the Jerusalem sect; Judah and Thomas became his apostles.
I tell you these things because they have been requested now, because I now have the opportunity created for me by spiritual forces. I want to tell you most sincerely that I could perceive nothing different in Jeshua's love as a child, nor even as a growing boy, because there was nothing within me to distinguish anything beyond except my mother's love. We did not have a formal Bar Mitzvah at 13, for this was not common at our time, but a later development; yet, he did love to discuss the Scriptures with religious elders. His Divine Love turned him to God, to think of God and long for God's Presence; to pray, to avoid sins, to take on in his character virtues of kindness, of humility, of service and consideration of others so as not to hurt their feelings; and these were to him of the highest importance. His, too, were qualities of firmness, faith and conviction; of courage, of fortitude and high resolve that faced and found death with tranquility, patience and a oneness with the Love of God that shatters all imagination. Such was my son Jeshu on earth.
As for myself, I speak to you now as a spirit who once was the mother of daughters as well as sons. And I can penetrate into your hearts and see the struggles, the aches, the courage and the faith that animates you. You know that, as a result of this great tragedy in our lives, which gave rise to the turbulence and persecution, and eventual tearing assunder of our holy religion, which my son never sought to destroy but to fulfill its promise, my home life was broken. My husband departed on preaching missions to calm his anguished heart and to proclaim what his son had given his life for, and my sons followed this example and met death in their missions.
I speak to you as a mother who has known sorrow and troubles and tragedy, and who experienced them when least able to meet and surmount them - without the Father's Love to console, to bind up, to heal, to fortify, when they would have meant most. And it is only later that my love for my son deepened into the Divine Love and gave me the courage, the serenity, the love for others, and the certain knowledge of eternal life with God that enabled me to face life and death with peace and love in my soul, and prayer to Him for His Love and Mercy.
Keep faith with God, and be open to His Love, and you will overcome with confidence and, indeed, peace of mind, optimism and happiness, those circumstances that seem to mar the fulfillment of your years. And I pour out upon you, those who feel my motherly love and guidance, all my love, and bless you, and your children.
The spirit-to-mortal communication contained in this pamphlet was delivered in 1963 by Mary, beloved wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus of Nazareth, through Dr. Daniel G. Samuels.
*Please see pp.142-144 of True Gospel
Revealed Anew by Jesus, Vol. II. Foundation Church of the New Birth, Inc.