
Membership in the Foundation Church of the New Birth is open to all who signify dedication to the true teachings of Jesus as revealed in True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus and to all who accept the tenets of the Church. Members believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the true son of God and that he brought eternal salvation of soul to light through disclosing the true and only Way to At-onement with the Heavenly Father by earnestly seeking and receiving the Father's Divine Love into our souls.
If you are learning the Truths of the Father and His redeeming Love and have felt their authenticity and worth, or if you are praying for the Divine Love and have received inflowings of It into your heart and soul, you may want to become a member of the Church of the New Birth. The membership application is readily available upon request.
Members are not obligated to pay initiation fees or annual dues: instead a nominal charge of five dollars, which you pay with the return of your application, is made for membership registration and for placing your name on the Mother Church mailing list to receive the current list of publications and announcements. You will also receive a Certificate of Membership, indicating that you have accepted the true teaching of Jesus of Nazareth regarding the only way to soul salvation and rebirth into the Divine reality of the Heavenly Father. While free will offerings are very much needed and appreciated, there are no mandatory Church tithes or pledges, nor is membership categorized according to the amount of monies donated.
Church members are scattered throughout the United States and abroad.
Members are called New Birth Christians. Jesus explained to his Trustees that originally the word Christ stood for the Father's Divine Love--for one who has been anointed by Divine Love. During his public ministry on earth, he announced that the New Birth of soul through the Father's Love unto eternal salvation was at hand. He explained through Dr. Daniel G. Samuels, his second chosen brain and hand instrument, that the word Christianity meant the New Birth; and the term Christian meant seeker of the New Birth.
A member who sincerely desires to serve the Heavenly Father and His Church may do so in one or more of the following ways: leading a Study Group or inviting friends and neighbors to join in a regular Prayer Circle; becoming a Minister in the Church; or, through election by the Board of Trustees, becoming an Honorary Trustee or full Trustee or Officer of the Mother Church or a branch church.
Ministers, Trustees, and Officers must agree to meet the requirements outlined for these positions in the Bylaws and Policies--Including the Spiritual Guidelines of the Foundation Church of the New Birth.
The Church is a non-profit organization in which all workers volunteer their services.
Individuals who have questions about any of these possibilities are welcome to contact us at our email address, newbirth@divinelove.org, or write to us at the above address.
The Church does not stress numbers of members. Jesus wrote that the strength of the Church will never rest upon the paucity or vastness of membership but upon the spiritual strength which that membership contains. On January 31, 1958, he wrote the following paragraph through Dr. Samuels, one of the Founding Trustees:
"Strength in numbers or in tightness of organization is strength which ebbs quickly when the sinews, the vital power behind the organization, are lacking. The most important precept, in fact the entire organization, is based on only one fact, the Father's Divine Love. It was this great reality that gave the early church its irreducible strength--it gave its members the power, the courage, the determination and the will to overcome every obstacle and hardship, to face and suffer death with equanimity and even joy, and it is this spiritual force which must animate, motivate and vitalize our organization."
When an individual becomes a member of the Church of the New Birth, he or she can look forward to all of the privileges and blessings accorded to every New Birth Christian who is prayerfully seeking the Father's Divine Love. Some of these are:
- · A noticeable increase in faith in the Father and His Love and Mercy, and in His Power to guide and protect and lift one beyond the fears and soul-trying experiences of the earth plane;
- · New strength and courage and wisdom, which come with the Divine Love;
- · The humility, forbearance, and forgiveness that are also a part of the Father's true Nature. His Love will rest in the soul and be the cause one's just and kindly behavior to all mankind. Interactions with others will be enhanced by good will and brotherly love;
- · A gradual elimination of material thoughts and desires that separate the soul from its Heavenly Father, bringing the soul into At-onement with His Soul as well as with the souls of His Celestial Angels;
- · A growing confidence in one's faith in the Father and His Love that the material trials of everyday living will be met and overcome as they arise, with an inner knowing that Jesus and his fellow Celestial Angels will also be praying and actively seeking to bring about ease from any mental, emotional or physical suffering, which the member maybe experiencing;
- · Unlimited possession of the Divine Love by the soul, with an eternal expansion and development of Its knowledge and wisdom. This is the immortality promised to mankind by the Father in the prophesies of the Old Testament, and given to His children with Jesus' coming.
When this Great Love fills a soul, it becomes blessed beyond compare with these Divine Qualities of the Father's own unchanging, eternal Nature: Love for all mankind, Immortality, Goodness, Loving kindness, Compassion, Tenderness, Mercy, Forgiveness, Joy and bliss, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Beauty, Humility, Benevolent powers, Glory, Peace that passeth all understanding.