

The purpose of becoming a Minister in the Foundation Church of the New Birth is to help mankind learn the true and only Way to this Divine At-onement with the Father, as set forth by Jesus of Nazareth in the Padgett and Samuels messages.

A member of the Church interested in learning more about the ministry may request a copy of the section on Ministers in our Bylaws and Policies in order to learn more about the role of ministers in the Foundation Church of the New Birth.  And any member wishing to undertake the Ministerial Course of Study may contact the Officers of the Mother Church, at our email address ( or our ground address (PO Box 6, Williamsville, NY, 14231, USA), who will then begin the process of determining the readiness of the Member.

In general, any members who have attained the age of twenty-one years, who are in agreement with the Church Tenets, and have embraced the teachings of Jesus as received by Mr. Padgett and Dr. Samuels, upholding them as the highest teachings available to mankind, may apply to the ministerial study course in order to seek to become Ministers in the Foundation Church of the New Birth by successfully fulfilling the requirements for Ordination, which have been established by the Thesis Committee.

The applicant is invited to become familiar with one of the trustees, provide a short bio and two letters of recommendation, and briefly answer some questions in writing prior to acceptance into the study course.

Once accepted, no fee is required to enroll in the Ministerial Ordination program, however all candidates must acquire the publications specified below:

  • The Church Tenets
  • True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Vols. I and II
  • The Prayer for Divine Love
  • The Healing Prayer
  • 76 Sermons on the Old Testament of the Bible by Jesus
  • New Testament Revelations
  • The Four Holiday Observances
  • The Bylaws and Policies of Foundation Church of the New Birth
  • The Lighthouse Study Course (15 Lessons) compiled from the teachings of Jesus as revealed through Mr. James E. Padgett
  • The Lighthouse Healing Study Course (8 Lessons), compiled from the teachings of Jesus as revealed through Mr. Padgett and Dr. Daniel G. Samuels

The Student discount shall be given to each candidate. In addition, Volumes I and II of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus shall be furnished them free of charge.  No candidate will be refused due to inability to cover costs of materials.

All candidates for Ordination shall carefully study and become thoroughly familiar with the required study materials and successfully complete within two years the Lighthouse Study Course and the Lighthouse Healing Study Course. The lessons shall be mailed on a one-by-one basis to the candidates, who may proceed at their own pace within the allotted two-year period. Answers to the questions of each lesson shall be submitted to the Thesis Committee for grading, and candidates shall abide by the decision of that Committee as to the successful completion of each Lesson.

Upon completing of the Study Courses the candidate shall submit a personal thesis in writing or spoken audio or video recording. The Thesis Committee shall evaluate the candidate's thesis; and upon approval and his or her signing the "Avowal of Ordained Minister" statement, the Board of Trustees of the Church by unanimous vote shall award the "Certificate of Ordination" to the deserving candidate.

Please go to CONTACT to request further information or to request to participate in the first step toward acceptance into the ministerial study course through the process described above. 



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