I AM HERE. John.
I came tonight to tell you that the Master will not write, as he is not present, but is at work in another part of the universe, where he is needed, and where he is doing a work that none of us can do.
Well, I know that he had an engagement with you but he thought best not to keep it, and sent me here to tell you, for he did not want you to think that he had forgotten you, as he has not. Very soon he will come and continue the messages, and you will not be disappointed.
I will not write more tonight as you will have a communication from another that will be interesting.
Yes, it was a glorious night, for as you were told many of the Celestial Spirits were present with their love and helpful influences--and one especially was with you, having a great love for you and your friend. She still has a great mother's love as well as the Divine Love, or rather this Divine Love which includes this motherly feeling and desire to make you happy as one of her children, although she is your sister rather than your mother,--but still she feels like the mother of all of Jesus' followers, as she is his mother still, and yet, not his equal in the great soul development.
She really wrote to you, and what she stated is true, notwithstanding the declarations contained in the Bible, as to Jesus' conception and birth.
And I must here state again, that at no time in his ministry did he claim or have the slightest thought of having been conceived by the Holy Spirit or that he had any other father than Joseph.
We never looked upon him as God or as a Son of God in the peculiar sense in which the orthodox churches teach; and now I know he was not such God or Son of God.
He is merely a spirit as are the rest of us, but the one possessing more Divine Love, and having the greatest knowledge of the Father, and of His personality and attributes.
So believe what we have written you on this question for it is true.
I will stop now, and in doing so will say, God bless you.
Your brother and friend,
Vol. II, pg. 143