Confirmation by St. Barnabas that Mr. P. is selected by the Master.

Let me supplement what St. Stephen wrote. I am an apostle of the Master and was called Barnabas, the partner of Paul in much of his ministry in extending and making known the truths of the Master throughout Asia and also Judea. I was not only the collaborator with Paul at Jerusalem, but among the circumcised Jews who embraced the faith of Christianity. I am now working with the apostles in trying to help them and spirits understand and believe in these Great Truths.

So you must believe that I am trying to help you in the great work which the Master has decreed and declared you shall perform. We are all with you and will exert all our power and love to forward the cause of righteousness and the redemption of men.

You must acquire the faith which is so necessary to your success. I mean the faith which leaves no room for doubt that the Master has called you, and has, and will give you power and spiritual development that you may do his work as he desires you to do it. Be a true believer and you will not fail.

I will not write more tonight, and will say, may God prosper you and make you like unto Himself in soul qualities and in goodness.

I am your brother and friend.

St. Barnabas, the apostle and a lover of the Master.

Vol. II, p. 102

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