Great Love of Jesus for Mr. P. John Wesley said the Glory and Power was so wonderful they knelt in awe.

Let me write a word too, for I was present when the Master bestowed upon you his great love and prayed the Father to send into your soul the love of the Father--the Divine Love--that will make you one with Him. And I must tell you that never before have we seen such love and glory displayed by the Master as he displayed tonight to you his love and blessings. Oh, I tell you that it was wonderful and we all stood, or rather knelt in awe, for we could not stand in his presence.

What does all this mean? None of us know for we have never received such evidence of love from him, and have never seen any one else receive the love in that way.

We commence to know how you must be a very important man to the Master, and you must be the special object of his love and care, for he seems to love you with a love that we cannot understand, although we have in our souls the Divine Love of the Father to a very great degree. But yet such love as he displayed tonight we have never seen and the meaning of it we cannot fully comprehend.

Oh, I tell you that you are a blessed man, and you have with you not only the love and power of the greatest spirit in all God's universe but also the Great Divine Love of the Father.

So let us think of this wonderful experience before writing more.

I will say good-night.

Your brother in Christ, JOHN WESLEY.

Vol. II, p. 203

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