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I AM HERE, your own true Helen. Mrs. Padgett.You didn't think I could change the announcement of my coming, but you must know that I can do anything to please you, my dear Ned.Yes you have, and I have been so very happy. Well, sweetheart, I must...
DAVID'S UNSHAKEABLE FAITH IN THE FATHERI am here, Jesus:In countless stories and commentaries about David, his valor in battle, his power of leadership, his skill in extending boundaries of the Hebrew nation and inevitably his sins with Bath-Sheba an...
I am here, Jesus:The first supposed miracle is that of my having fed thousands of hungry listeners who were without food and who simply by my supposed powers were supplied bread and water on the occasion of my preaching to them in the hills of Trans-...
THE EXPERIENCE OFRECEIVING GOD'S DIVINE LOVE©by Marva Egenberger(Permission has been granted by Mrs. Egenberger to quote ChapterTwo of her book, "Journey Into Faith")"Amazing Grace, how sweet the soundthat saved a wretch like me.I once was lost ...
St.Peter on Forgiveness of Sin*     Let me write a few lines for I am veryanxious to write you in reference to a truth which obtains in our spirit world,and with which you may not be acquainted. Asyou may not know there is a ...
Let me tell you that the Master has just written, and in writing he again displayed his great power and glory for he wrote with all the authority of his heavenly powers. I was present and know what I write to be true.I wish that l could write you a l...
I AM HERE, Helen. (Mrs. J. E. Padgett)I am very happy for I have so much love of God in my heart that I cannot think of any thing that tends to make me unhappy.Yes, my home is very beautiful and I am perfectly delighted with it. It is made ...
King David's ForebearanceI am here, Jesus:The sermons I am delivering to you about David the king are important in showing readers that warfare and swordsmanship are not everything that characterizes the greatest of the Hebrew kings, but that there w...
I am here, Jesus:IThe question has been raised by one of the members of the Foundation Church of the New Birth, of which I am the Leader, regarding the delays incurred in healing and the possibility of death taking place before such healing is accomp...
TIME FOR THE CHURCHES TO WAKE UP by Marga J. McCradyThere are many dropouts from the traditional churches today. Many people are searching for truth in a religion that you can actually use your brain to think with instead of just using blind faith. I...

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