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WHAT THE DIVINE LOVEHAS DONE FOR ME by Donald L. RosnerIn 1961, I began a serious search for spiritual truth. In whatstarted as positive thinking and belief of the mind, combinedwith faith of the soul, I came to realize that all of thesefac...
I know it is late, but, yet, I must say that what has been told you is true, and when we speak of the glory of the Master you cannot conceive of what is meant. In your mind think of the dim flame of the candle and the glory of the noonday sun and the...
I AM HERE, Helen.Well, I am very happy, and you are happier and feel better.I am now going to write you about my home, as I promised, and you must not think I am not in condition to write, if I should not be able to describe it as you may think ...
KING DAVID'S PRAISE OF GODI am here, Jesus:These sermons on the character of King David, which underline those episodes showing his essential goodness of heart in the difficult position of being leader of Israel's armies in the nation's wars against ...
I am here, Jesus:I am here, again, to write you about the Old Testament and its relationship to my Messiahship, that is to say, the steps in the Scriptures that show and point the way to the development of the spiritual truths that finally led to the...
WHEN DIVINE LOVECAME INTO MY LIFE by Rev. R. Eileen MayYOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED in the healing I have received. It hasbeen remarkable. About 20 years ago, I was found to have a ratherwell developed cancer problem and had immediate surgery for it.In th...
Feeling His Love in My SoulBy Tom BlackstonAugust 8, 2017   I first found the Padgett messages about 3 years ago after my wife first discovered and shared them with me. The messages really open my eyes to the true meaning of the Father...
Well, I will and I am glad that you have even one page more.I am happy to-night, for I see that you have had an experience that has caused your soul to open up to this wonderful love of the Father.Oh, my dear, it has been a glorious evening and the M...
I AM HERE, Your Grandmother.Well, I am exceedingly happy and am glad that you are feeling so much improved.You had quite a long letter from Helen, and I hope, a very satisfactory one. When she tries she can write a very good letter.I am, as...
David Expresses His Concept of God in His PsalmsI am here, Jesus:The psalms of David, and those written under his inspiration, are songs of many moods -- from joy and exultation, to sorrow, penitence and despair. These are songs of praise of God, hop...

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