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I am here, Jesus:I am here tonight to continue my messages of the Gospel truths, and I shall continue with John on what commandment I gave my disciples and how obedience to this commandment would bring what has been called theComforter; for in J...
WHICH WAY IS RIGHT ?by Robert Edward LeeThe Bible! The New Age! Native American beliefs! Easternreligions! What a supermarket of philosophies, shoulds, should-nots,disciplines, hopes, fears and manipulations we can encounter inalmost any list of semi...
I AM HERE. Saint John.I come to-night to write a few truths upon the subject of the preacher's sermon, as I was present with you and heard his declarations as to the end of the world.I know that among men there are, and have been since the time ...
I AM HERE, Helen.I want to tell you of my experience in trying to show a spirit the way to God's love, which I had a short time ago.Well, I talked to this spirit of this love, and told her that the only way to happiness and to the Celestial King...
David's Second Psalm Does Not Allude to JesusI am here, Jesus:In the last sermon I have been considering the Psalms of David from the point of view of an intimate approach of man to the Father, wherein God is essentially seen not as the early tribal ...
I am here, Jesus:I am here, again, to write you on the truths of the Father, and I wish to comment on The Prayer given to Mr. Padgett many years ago -- the only one necessary to obtain the Father's Love; and the Doctor* is very much to be commended f...
Let me write to-night on a subject that is of importance to mankind and should be fully explained, that they may know the truth that will show them the way to immortality and light.I know that men have debated all down the centuries the question of m...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I know that what you say is true, but it is I, Jesus, the man who was crucified on Calvary, that comes to you and writes. These persons who will not believe this fact, will some day become convinced.I am with you as I have told ...
David Regrets the Injustices Existing in His ReignI am here, Jesus:I wish to continue with my sermons on the Psalms of David and those which were continued under his influence, to show how the Hebrews turned to God for trust, strength to overcome the...
I am here, Jesus:I am glad to be here tonight to write you on the various points that have come up in your discussions, and I will commence by stating that my knowledge of dematerializing my body was the result not of any psychic powers that I did po...

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