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Let me say just a word as I am very much interested in the truths of the message which Luke has just written you; and I was present at the church where the minister discoursed on the subject of Paradise, and Luke was also present; and as I ...
I AM HERE, Jesus.Well, I am ready to write more of my discourses, and I want you to prepare for our writing very soon. I think that to-morrow night will suit for the work. Commence about nine o'clock, and then you can write until we finish it.Ye...
Isaiah and the Assyrian MenaceI am here Jesus:In my last sermon I showed that Isaiah was a prophet of Peace, a man who championed the cause of the people as against the ruling class in Jerusalem. Now I am going to write you about the prophecies which...
I am here, Jesus:Yes, I am here, as you perceived spiritually when I came into the room, and you see that your spiritual perceptions are being opened up with continual and constant prayer for the Divine Love and the earnest longing of your soul for a...
I AM HERE. Jesus.Of course, the scenes in which I was represented are creatures of the imagination, and intended to impress upon the observers of these scenes the belief or thought, that because of my teachings of peace and good will to men, I w...
I AM HERE, Jesus.You are better to night in your spiritual condition and I will write a formal message.I desire to write on the subject of, "The Real Truth of the Life on Earth, and What It Means to Mortals."When men come to the knowledge t...
Isaiah Declares God's Judgment Upon the NationsI am here, Jesus:Now the fact is that when Hezekiah continued the neutralist policy of Isaiah, Judah became strong and prosperous, the tradesmen of Jerusalem flourishing in the period of peace. But when ...
I am here, Jesus:I wish to tell you to continue to pray for the Divine Love with more and more intensity of soul longings and to continue your work of reconstructing a New Testament minus the errors that now abound in it and you will be helped by the...
I AM HERE. Your Own True and Loving Helen. (Wife of Mr. Padgett.)What a wonderful message you had from the Master, and how earnest he was when he was writing. The glory of his countenance was blinding to even us, and the love that seemed to poss...
I am here, Your Grandmother.What a truthful and important message the Master wrote you, and he knows that what he said is of the most vital importance to mankind. I only wish that all mankind could hear his message, for if that could be, many a ...

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