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Isaiah's Struggle Against Social Evils and SacrificesI am here, Jesus:Isaiah's main efforts towards lifting up his people were directed to a more acceptable attitude towards life, not only in the area of strict morality and in habit, but also in the ...
The Sermon on the Good ShepherdI am here, Jesus:I should like to write you, if you are in condition, on the passage in the tenth chapter of John's Gospel on my supposed sermon on the good shepherd.* This sermon was given by me in much the tenor ...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I come to-night to tell you that you are in a better condition to write than you have been for sometime and I think it best that I deliver to you a message.Well, I will write on the subject: Of the destiny of the man who ha...
I am here, Jesus.I want to tell you what I mean by immortality, as you and your friend differed today in your ideas of what it means.When * Adam, or whom he typified, was told that if he should disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit he ...
Isaiah's Hope Of An Ideal Kingdom for IsraelI am here, Jesus:And one shall see that later the prophet Micah spoke in the same vein. I wish to conclude these sermons on Isaiah, at least for now, with the final period of Isaiah's life, which was beset ...
I am here, Jesus:I am here tonight, as I have been in the past, to write you again about the New Testament and the very many errors contained therein, and I shall continue by discussing the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, which is really a p...
I AM HERE. St. Paul, of the New Testament.I come to-night to tell you of a truth that is important for men to know, and which you must place in your Book of Truths.I have written you before on my alleged writings as they are contained in the Bib...
Let me write just a little as I need help, and I saw how you helped the last * spirit who wrote. It was to me wonderful what a change came to her as you told her of God's love, and when she went with that beautiful spirit who spoke so lovingly to her...
Micah And Jerusalem's AristocratsI am here, Jesus:Along with the first Isaiah and contemporary with him is another prophet, Micah, who was born in the small town of Mareshah, situated in the southwest corner of Palestine, near Gath. This name, let us...
Why Jesus Taught in Parables; How His DisciplesWere Able to HealI am here, Jesus:You did not believe that I would come again tonight, but since I see that you are continuing to pray to the Heavenly Father with real and true earnestness of soul, you w...

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