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The Righteous of All Nations To Be SavedI am here, Jesus:Not only did Zephaniah predict exile for Judah, but the wrath of God visited upon other nations because of their immorality and evils. Previous prophets had so declared, and Zephaniah was convi...
I am here, Jesus:I would like to express myself about some of the Messianic passages found in Isaiah, the prophet, and one of these is the passage dealing with the so-called virgin who would give birth to a son who would eat honey and butter, and who...
I AM HERE. Jesus.Let me write a few lines for I must tell you of an important truth that is necessary for men to know in order to reach the Celestial Kingdom, and a knowledge of the plan of salvation.I know that the Bible contains many sayings a...
Ancient spirit who was for a long time in the sixth sphere now progressing to the Celestial Spheres.
I AM HERE. Saleeba.I want to say only a few words that you may know how happy I am, and how much my soul is filled with this Divine Love of which you first told me. Oh, my friend, it is difficult to keep from shouting the fact that I am a redeem...
Jeremiah's Ancestry in the Reign of Saul and DavidI am here, Jesus:Jeremiah is one of the most important, if not the greatest, prophet that God was able to use for the social and religious uplifting of His people in the centuries of slow advancement ...
I am here, Jesus:I am here tonight to write you again on the Old Testament, inasmuch as the relationship between Jehovah, or Yahweh, and the Heavenly Father, or God, of the New Testament, must be made clear that they are one and the same, except that...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I will continue my discourse of last night.I was saying that the Jews and the teachers of the church that became established or rather controlled after the death of my followers, and those who understood the true teachings of my disc...
I AM HERE, Jesus.I merely want to tell you to-night that you are so much better in your condition for writing my messages, and for receiving the love of the Father in your soul.You took my message the other night in a very satisfactory way, and ...
Jeremiah's Boyhood At AnathothI am here, Jesus:It may seem strange to you that there was a certain relationship between Jeremiah and Joseph, who, even as a little boy, knew that he was a man after God's own heart and, who, relating these things to hi...
I am here, Jesus:I am glad to hear you state that you would not have been able to take the message on the attributes of God and man without having some of the Divine Love in your soul, and you are quite right in so stating, for such a message could n...