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I AM HERE. St. Matthew.I have not written you for a long time, and I desire to say a few words on matters pertaining to the soul and its relationship to God and future life and immortality.The soul is an image of the Great Soul of the Father, an...
I AM HERE, your grandmother. (Ann Rollins)I want to tell you to-night of my experience in my new home, among the redeemed spirits who have entered that Kingdom.I am living, as I told you, in the second Celestial Sphere, and am surrounded by...
The Burning in the Prophet's HeartI am here, Jesus:It was from this experience that Jeremiah emerged with a closeness to God, such as he had never before undergone -- wherein he felt a burning fire in his heart, which prevented him from being pressur...
I am here, Jesus.I am here once again as the invisible and eternal leader of The Dr. Leslie R. Stone Foundation* to be present at our meeting and to be able to make comments and observations in the light of what transpires therein. There was one...
ST. CORNELIUS --The First Christian GentileLe me say just a word as to the soul. I have heard what Matthew said, and it seems to me that he did not describe what the soul is as clearly as desirable.My conception of the soul is, that it is that part o...
I AM HERE, Jesus.I want to add a little to what your grandmother said, "On the efforts of the spirit world to show men the truths of the Father."I know that it will be difficult to make men believe in communications that may come through me...
Baruch and the Prophet's BookI am here, Jesus:In the year of Egypt's defeat at Carchemish, 605 B.C., when Jehoikim realized that his new master was to be Babylonia, Baruch ben Neriah became a scribe for Jeremiah. He began to write down sermons which ...
I am here, Jesus.Once again I am present with my beloved co-workers for the Father's Kingdom and I am happy to be able to preside spiritually over this meeting where the definite plans for the formation of the first real church to teach mankind the W...
I AM HERE. Your Grandmother. Ann Rollins, (Celestial Spirit)I came to write you about the forgiveness and pardon of the Father, and to enlighten you upon this subject which is so little understood, since men first commenced to distort the t...
1 AM HERE, St. John.I felt your call and came. I will tell you of love, as that is what you called me for.The love that I taught when on earth, is the Love that the Father had prepared for all His children who might seek it. All that is required...

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