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I AM HERE. St. Peter.I come for the same reasons that Andrew came, and I want to add my testimony to his that you are the true selection of the Master to do his work, and that he is with you very often writing to you and bestowing upon you his l...
Jeremiah's Tribulations as Anti-War ProphetI am here, Jesus:Meanwhile, from 597 B.C. Zedekiah held to his wavering course of vassalage to Babylonia, despite the opposition of many of his advisers and princes of the royal house of Judah, but when Phar...
I AM HERE. St. Luke.I wish to continue my discourse on the Atonement.As I was saying unless a man gets into harmony with God in the natural love, which God bestowed upon him, and thereby becomes free from sin and error, there can be no redemptio...
I AM HERE, St. John, your friend and brother, and at-one with God and a follower of the Master.So you must believe what the Master promised you for he will not fail you.I must not write more tonight, but will stop and say that you have my l...
Jeremiah's Ideal of DemocracyI am here, Jesus:There remains to tell of Jeremiah's democratic ideals that amaze one even to this day. For the prophet's most important concept, aside from the moral and religious standpoint is one that enters into the f...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I will write only a few lines, and because I desire to confirm what Luke has so clearly explained as to what the atonement is.He has stated the true plan of God for the redemption of mankind, that is for the placing of them in t...
Let me add my testimony to what the others have written.I am also a follower of the Master and was with him in his travels through Palestine, and was with him when he was crucified on the cross, and saw the great manifestations of God and the doom of...
Habakkuk - Singer and Student of PsalmsI am here, Jesus:You have seen that, whenever there arose a threat against Israel or Judah from a foreign military power, a prophet would come forth to proclaim a message from the Lord. In showing you the troubl...
I AM HERE. Luke. (St. Luke of the N.T.)I desire tonight to write on the subject of "What is the fact with reference to the authenticity of the Bible." I was with you at the lecture of the preacher on this subject, and was surprised that he ...
I am also a brother spirit and want to tell you that the wonderful messages that you have received tonight are true, and were written by the spirits professing to write them and that you must not doubt. So believe and you will receive the greatest of...

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