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Second Isaiah's Two Fold Concept of the FatherI am here, Jesus:The Second Isaiah developed a two fold concept of the Father as a result of Cyrus' kindness to the Hebrews. Cyrus, a pagan, was an instrument of God's will on earth to release the Jews ju...
Let me write a few lines to-night, as I have not written you for a long time, and desire to tell you of the scene that was depicted to you to-night by the words and music at the church.I was present at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus and sa...
Saul of Tarsus, now Paul of near Damascus.Well, as you are so longing tonight for love and fellowship with the disciples of the Master, I thought that I would write you just a little to show that all the Master's disciples are in their living spiritu...
Jesus Explains Isaiah's SongsI am here, Jesus:The second song is found in Isaiah, Chapter 49, verses 1 to 6.The Lord hath called me from the womb,From the bowels of my mother, hath He made mention my name;And He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword,...
I AM HERE. Your true and loving Helen (Mrs. Padgett)Well dear, I see that you are tired and I will not write much.The message that you received is from Samuel, who was present at the crucifixion in spirit and heard and saw what took place, and s...
I am the spirit of St. John. You called for a spirit of love and I came, because I am such a spirit.I am the disciple whom Jesus loved and who loved him more than did any of the others.No, and neither has any spirit in all God's universe. H...
Many Christians Regard These Sermons as PropheticI am here, Jesus:To continue with Chapter 53, verses 4 to 6:Surely he (Israel, the combination prophet)has borne our sicknesses, and carried our sufferings,While we esteemed him stricken,Smitten of God...
I am here, a poor, miserable man who is without hope in this dark and dreary world of lost souls, and surrounded by spirits who are like myself--suffering from the effects of an evil life and a lost soul.I come to you because I have seen others come,...
Solomon of the Old Testament.Well, I was visiting the earth plane and happened to see the two last spirits visit you. I thought that I would do so also.I know Paul and John and converse with them sometimes, but do not live in as high a sphere as do t...
Deutero-Isaiah Preached Vindication of His PeopleI am here, Jesus:According to the King James version, Deutero-lsaiah then goes on to say in Chapter 53, verse 8:He was taken from prison and from judgment,And who shall declare his generation?For he wa...

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