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I AM HERE. Helen, (Wife of Mr. Padgett, Celestial Spirit.)I am very glad that you helped so many spirits to-night, and some of them were very much in need of help. The poor spirit that you sent to me was truly penitent and cried such bitter tear...
I am here. Helen (Mrs. Padgett).Well sweetheart, you are tired and must not write much tonight for it will make you feel bad. So when I tell you a few things stop writing.Well, I see you want to know if the spirits who wrote you last night, I mean th...
Third Isaiah Models Style That of Second IsaiahI am here, Jesus:The trek to Jerusalem, in the days of the Second Isaiah, did not happen as the prophet would have liked: a triumphant march back to the land of Israel, with song and cheer, and a great m...
I AM HERE. St. Paul (of the New Testament.)I merely want to say that I was present at the church to-night and listened to the preacher tell his congregation what he didn't know about hell, because what he said, in many particulars was untrue and...
I AM HERE. John the Baptist.I come because I want to encourage you to pray more and to believe. The Father's love is waiting for you to fill your soul to its utmost, and the only things required on your part are prayer and faith.We are all inter...
Jesus Used Third Isaiah's Opening LinesWhen He Spoke In NazarethI am here, Jesus:These great lines of the Third Isaiah had tremendous importance for those who heard his discourse. It meant that this New Isaiah had obtained his voice directly from God...
I AM HERE. St. Paul.I come to write you on the subject that I commented on last night, namely: Hell and the duration of punishment, and if you feel that you are in condition to receive the message I will begin and finish the same.Well, as I said...
Go to the Lord, and your strength will be renewed and your soul will receive a wonderful inflowing of the Divine Love, so that you will be able to throw aside all worries and earthly cares, and be in condition to receive the great truths that are awa...
Haggai Urges the Rebuilding of the TempleI am here, Jesus.The Third Isaiah had sought to encourage the return to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple in the same way as his illustrious predecessor, the Second Isaiah: A miracle of God, through C...
I AM HERE. St. Paul.I desire to-night to finish my message on Hell--what it is and what its purpose is.As I said before hell is a place as well as a condition, and, the man who believes that it is nothing more than a condition of his mind or sou...

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