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Zechariah Receives a Command from God HimselfI am here, Jesus:In chapter 6, verses 9 - 5; Zechariah received a command from God Himself (and not from angels). Here the prophet was no longer in a visionary state: it was morning. A delegation of Jews s...
I AM HERE. (St. John, Apostle of Jesus)I desire to finish my comments on the preacher's sermon on heaven.As I said, these Apocalyptic writings were made for the purpose of encouraging the people of those days to believe that God would intervene in th...
I will say a word also.I am your own dear grandmother.I came to tell you that I know now that "the blood of Jesus does not save from sin." You will remember how, when on earth I believed this doctrine of error. How I used to talk about...
Jesus, When on Earth, Was Impressed by Zechariah's WritingsI am here, Jesus:With the 9th.Chapter of Zechariah it is necessary to pause and make some comments. The contents of the last six chapters have nothing in common as far as subject matter is co...
I AM HERE. George Whitefield.I was a preacher of England and a contemporary of John Wesley. I am in the Celestial Spheres where are only those who have received the New Birth that has been written about by other and more ancient spirits.I merely...
I AM HERE--Saul:I will say only a word as it is late, and your wife says that I must not write much.Well, I have not written for a long time, and I desire very much to write you a message regarding some important spiritual truths that I know will be ...
I AM HERE. Your Grandmother, (Ann Rollins, Celestial Spirit)I will tell you to-night of a truth that may be of interest to you, and I know that it is of importance to all who may long for happiness in the future life.As you know, I am now in the...
I AM HERE. Samuel. I am Samuel the Prophet.I want to tell you that I am in a condition to tell you of my existence here in the spirit world, and what I know about the truths of the doctrines of Jesus as I have learned them since I became possess...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I was with you to-night at the meeting of the Christians, and saw that you were thinking of several things that I had written, and wanted to tell the preacher of my truths--but of course you could not. He took a text from the Bi...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I was with you tonight and saw that the Spirit was filling your heart with the Divine Love of the Father and that you realized its presence, and felt that even though the people who worshipped me in their ignorance, yet they hav...

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