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I AM HERE. St. Paul.Yes I am and I want to say just a few words. The book on the "vicarious atonement" that you have been reading--about the ransom price and the blood of Jesus and the sacrifice on the cross--as to these things is all wrong, and...
I am here, Josephus.I come tonight to write a few lines upon a subject in which you may be interested as I have observed that recently you have been reading my History of the Jews, and there are some things in that book which require correction. I do...
I write to corroborate what Paul said, both as to the errors of the author of the book that you have been reading, and also of the Bible, upon which he bases his arguments and conclusions.There are some of the epistles credited to me, and I did write...
I am here. John.I was with you tonight and heard the preacher answer the question, and some of his answers were very satisfactory, but there was one that did not exactly satisfy the true longings of the man who is in search of truth, I mean the one t...
Message received December 24, 1916.I AM HERE. Jesus.I desire to say that I was with you to-night at the church, and listened to the preacher's sermon, and was somewhat surprised that he should have declared that all the wars and persecutions and...
I am here. St. Augustine.I merely want to say that I am the St. Augustine who lived after the death of Jesus and was well acquainted with his teachings as they were preserved by the Church. At that time I never knew exactly what became of the manuscr...
I AM HERE. Your own true and loving Helen. (Mrs. Padgett) Celestial Spirit.You have received quite a wonderful message from the Master to-night and it will cause some surprise, no doubt, to many who believe that God confers a special dispensatio...
I am here, John. (Apostle of Jesus)I only want to say that the faith that the preacher spoke of tonight as being possessed by Elijah is the faith that you must try to obtain, and then you will realize that you will be superior to all the worries and ...
I AM HERE. Elias, Prophet of Old, (Elijah).I will write a short message to-night, as it is late and you are tired.Well, I desire to say that the message you received from the Master contains some of the most important truths affecting the relati...
I am here. Saint Peter.I want to tell you that you are very near the Father tonight and that His love is filling your soul to a great degree. I see that you are anxious to learn of the spiritual things of the Father and of His love towards you and al...

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