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I AM HERE. Your own true and loving Helen (Mrs. Padgett)Well, dear, you have had some very surprising messy to-night and I don't wonder that you think they may not be just from whom they represent themselves to be, but the fact is that the perso...
Let me write a few lines tonight upon a subject that has recently been discussed by a spiritualist, a preacher, a philosopher and a scientist, and that is the continuity of life after death of the physical body. Each of these writers approach the sub...
I AM HERE. St. John, Apostle of Jesus.Yes I come to tell you that I have been with you to-day in your attendance on the church services, and as the preachers declared their ideas of what immortality means, I suggested to you thoughts showing how...
I am here--Your own true and loving Helen (Mrs. Padgett):Well dear, I am glad that you are in condition to again receive the messages of the spirits who wish to write you in reference to things spiritual.The spirit who wrote you was very an...
I AM HERE. St. Luke, Writer of the Third Gospel that was.Well, I desire to write a few lines on the subject contained in the book which you were reading to-night. I mean the book dealing with the "Creation and fall of man."Well, the man who...
I am here--John (St. John Apostle of Jesus).Let me say just a word. I was with you today when you were talking to your * friend, and heard your conversation, and saw the utter want of comprehension on the part of your friend as to the truths of the s...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I come to-night to tell you that you are in a very much better condition than you have been for sometime, and your rapport with us is so very much greater, that I feel that I should write you a message upon an important subject ...
I AM HERE. Mary the Mother of Jesus.I come to you with all the mother's love of one who loved her dear son so much while on earth, and who suffered all the heart pangs which the cruel death of my beloved caused me, and with the love that has bee...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I come to-night to resume my discourse of several nights ago. As I was saying man is the creature of God, made in perfection and instantaneously, as it were, not having a slow growth as other creations, and when he was crea...
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