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I AM HERE. Your own true and loving Helen, (Mrs. Padgett)Well, sweetheart, you have had some wonderful messages to-night, and should feel that you are highly favored in having received such wonderful writings.The message from Socrates may have b...
I must say a word, for my heart is so filled with regret and remorse, and the recollections of my awful mistakes while on earth, that I must release my soul of its burdens so far as a confession can do it.I am Ingersoll, and I am not the agnostic any...
Let me be the one to tell you of the truth of what you want to know.I am one of the first of the great philosophers of ancient Greece, and was known as Plato. I was a disciple of Socrates and a teacher of his philosophy, with additions.He was not onl...
I am here, Helen. (Mrs. Padgett)Well, sweetheart, you have had some wonderful messages tonight, all confirmatory of the fact that the Master has chosen and confirmed you to do his work.How thankful I am that this evidence has come to you, for now you...
I AM HERE. St. John, Apostle of Jesus.I come to-night to tell you a vital truth, which I know you will be interested in.The question has often been asked: "What does the spirit of man do when it leaves the physical body for eternity?''Many ...
Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God and in the Master. This is as true tonight as it was when spoken by Jesus to his disciples many centuries ago.You are his disciple now just as certainly as were they, and while you cannot see him or hear...
I AM HERE. Jesus.You are feeling better to-night, and l will try to write a little. I do not know that you are in condition to take a formal message, but I will tell you some things that will be of interest to you and mankind.When I came to the ...
When you are weakest, then are you strongest, because then you rely more on the power and help of the Father. Such has been your condition tonight, and I want to tell you that you have received a wonderful amount of the Father's love, and the love of...
I AM HERE. Prof. Salyards, (Celestial Spirit.)I would like to give you another installment of my discourse, if you feel inclined to take it at this time.It was the Master, you must not doubt.Well there is another law of the spirit world which pr...
I am here too, and want to assure you that our love is all with you tonight, and we are trying to make you feel that you are not forsaken even though things look very dark and you see very little light. But the light will soon come and with it a reli...

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