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690 pages found.

I AM HERE. Helen, (Mrs. Padgett.)Well, you had a message from Jesus and I am glad that you could write for him, though it was not one of his formal ones as he said, but it was full of truth and interesting. So you must think of it and you will g...
I am here. John--Apostle of Jesus.Well, I will say that you are now surrounded by the love and influences of a band of Celestial Spirits, all sending to you their best and kindest wishes, as well as their love. I am now trying to make you feel m...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I have been with you part of the time as you were reading the different explanations of the various religions, and tried to direct your mind so that you might conceive the difference between the things taught in those teachings ...
Such are the thoughts of men when troubles arise: I can do nothing of my self, but will go to my Father and seek His aid; and the thoughts are true and the aid is certain.You are that man tonight, and you will not be disappointed for you will find re...
I am your friend in Christ and desire to write a few lines, but it will not be about religious matters, for I heard what the Master said, and he knows what is best.Well, I am in the seventh sphere and am very happy and enjoy all the delights of ...
When the Master said, "Feed my sheep", he not only meant that Peter and those to whom he was talking should feed the spiritual natures of those who should believe on him and try to belong to his fold, but he also intended that their material wants sh...
Let me write a line or two. I have been present with you since you returned from the church, and have listened to your conversation.I was with you to-night at the prayer meeting and heard what the preacher said, and was particularly interested in his...
Let the * worries go and bury themselves, and turn your thoughts and soul aspirations to God, for these are the things eternal and those of the world merely temporary things.I say this, because I know, that if you will only pray to the Father an...
I AM HERE. Your own true and loving Helen, (Mrs. Padgett.)Well, dear, I see that have had a very happy evening and it is not to be wondered at, for there were many spirits present filled with the Love of the Father and throwing around you their ...
I am here, Helen (Mrs. Padgett).Well, you have had the most wonderful consolatory messages tonight, that I have ever known to be given to any mortal. With what love the Master spoke to you and tried to comfort you. He is a precious saviour ...

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