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I AM HERE. St. John, Apostle of Jesus.I come to-night to tell you that your condition of soul is very much better than it has been for sometime, and you are more in unison with the Father's Love than you have been for sometime, and you realize t...
I am here, Luther. (One time monk and reformer)I came to tell you that you are not much benefited by the book (Pastor Russel's "Atonement") you have been reading to night, because it ignores the very foundation of the plan of man's redemption--that i...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I have been with you a great deal to-day, and know just what have been the workings of your mind, and tried to influence you as to some of your thoughts. I was with you at church in the morning and heard the minister's sermon and saw...
I will write a little as I am interested in what you have received from Luther to night, and as I am supposed to have written the Gospel of Luke, I desire to say a few things in reference to the correctness or rather incorrectness or many things cont...
I AM HERE. Your own true and loving Helen, (Celestial Spirit.)Well, my dear, you have had a wonderful message from the Master to-night, and you may study and understand it thoroughly, for it contains in it more truth than you may see on a cursor...
Let me say a word, also. I am your own dear grandmother. Ann Rollins.I came to tell you that I know now that the blood of Jesus does not save from sin. You will remember how, when on earth, I believed this doctrine of error. How I used to talk a...
I AM HERE. Jesus.You are in a better condition to-night and I will continue my messages."God is a God of love, and no man can come to Him, unless he receives the Love of the Father in his soul." As men are by nature sinful and inclined to e...
I am here. Luther.I desire to write a short message tonight on the subject of the: "Observance of the ceremonies which my church still uses in its worship is not approved by God or Jesus." I will not detain you very long and will try to exp...
I AM HERE. Helen, (Mrs. J. E. Padgett, Celestial Spirit.)Well, was not that a wonderful message of the Master? It was so full of things that should make men think and work to get this Divine Love that he spoke of.I am happy to say that I have it...
I am here, Luther--Martin Luther.I came again because I want to tell you that I was with you this afternoon when you were reading the comments on the origin and different versions of the Bible. Among them was a reference to my version, and I wan...

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