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I AM HERE. Luke of the New Testament.Yes, I desire to write to-night a fear lines upon a subject that has never yet been written on, and I know it will interest you.My subject is:--"What is the most important thing in all the world for men ...
I am here, John.I do not write St. John, because I am not called by that name in the spirit heavens, and I have written you often enough now, that you will identify me when I merely write John.Well, I heard what the Master said, and I can only add th...
Let me write a few lines.I am much interested in you and your work, and want to do all that I can to help.I have heard your grandmother's message and it is a beautifully encouraging one, and filled with deep truths, which, if you will grasp and apply...
From St. John. (Apostle of Jesus)We are Celestial Spirits of the highest order, but that fact does not prevent us from realizing the necessity for the salvation of man, and even though we have to come to earth to bring about this salvation ...
I AM HERE. St. John, Apostle of Jesus.I want to say only a few words in reference to what the man said to you about my gospel or rather the gospel attributed to me.His reference to the opening words of the Gospel that "In the beginning was ...
I am here. St. John. (Apostle of Jesus)I heard your prayer and know that this Love is flowing into your soul and that now you have a great abundance of its possession of which you are conscious. It will never fail you when you pray in earne...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I merely want to tell you to-night that you are so much better in your condition for writing my messages and for receiving the Love of the Father in your soul.You took my message last night in a very satisfactory way, ...
I am here--Jesus.I was with you at the church this morning, and I impressed you with my feelings in reference to what the preacher said as to my sacrifice and blood and instead of calling upon his people to show their gratitude for the sacrifice and ...
Let me write a line. I am not going to write a long message but one that is very short.You are now in condition to receive our messages, and I wish to write for a while on the importance of knowing the way to the Celestial Kingdom which has been writ...
I AM HERE. Lazarus.I was the one whom Jesus called from the grave. I merely want to say that I was not dead when I was resurrected but had on me the sleep of death. But I was not entirely a spirit separated from my body. I know this, because if ...