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I AM HERE. JesusI come to-night to tell you that you are in a better condition than you were last night, and in fact, have been for some nights past. I desire to write you a message on the question of "How the soul of a mortal receives...
I AM HERE. Jesus.I heard the discussion between you and the other man about my blood saving from sin, and I felt that you were not benefited by what was said, because his faith is based on ignorance of the true plan of salvation and my mission o...
I am a stranger but I want to say just a word as I am so interested in the work that you have before you to do. You certainly are a favored man by having been selected to do this work.It is a stupendous work and one which is of the greatest vital imp...
I am here. St. Andrew.I came to tell you that where love is there can be no sin or unhappiness, and fear is not.We, who live in the Celestial Spheres, know this to be a fact, and with all the force and authority that knowledge gives, we declare ...
I am here--George Washington: (Celestial Spirit.)The same who wrote to you a few nights ago.Well you are my brother and I am pleased that you call me your brother, for in this world of spirits we have no titles or distinctions because of any fam...
I am here, St. Paul, the Apostle.I merely want to write about the truth of the New Birth, because I speak, or rather it is written, that the blood of Jesus saves men from condemnation, and sin and death.This is not true, and I never wrote such d...
I am here. Jesus.Well, you must have more faith, and pray more. These are the important things, and the next is, that you must call on me when you get despondent and need consolation, for I will respond and help you. And then you must let that dear w...
Let me write a line, for I have been interested in the conversation of the Doctor and want to express to him my thanks for his efforts to enlighten one of my followers as to the truth; and my obligation is based on the fact that I recognize the misle...
I am here, B---. and I want to say a word. The Indian tried to stop me, but your wife said let him write, and I am doing so.Well, I am still in hell, and suffering, and I wish that I could die again, but I cannot and will have to stand it. I can't ev...
I am here--your own true and loving Helen.Well dear, I have been with you all evening and enjoyed your conversation. You may believe that the last communication was from Mrs. Eddy, for she actually wrote and was glad that she could do so, and be...

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