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I am here St. Luke.I want to write a few lines upon a subject that may be of interest to you both. You have remarked upon the expression obtained in the letter that you have just received, "that it is hard to learn of heavenly things in hell." It is ...
I am here. JesusI come today to tell you that I am pleased with you in your efforts to find the truth of what we have taught as to God and of the relation of man to Him.I have been with you in your reading of several days past, and have observed...
I am here to tell you that God is love and that all mankind are His children and the object of His bounty and care. Not even the vilest sinner is beyond the boundaries of His care and love.He is not a God, who needs propitiation or sacrifice, but cal...
I am here. Jesus.Let me write a few lines.I see that you were much interested in what the preacher said tonight about God and His personality, and that you gave him several questions which he could not answer. This must be expected, for to men i...
January 23, 1917I AM HERE. Elohiam:I am the spirit of a Jew who lived in the time of Jesus and was a member of the Sanhedrin and sat as one of his judges at the time of his condemnation for blasphemy and iconoclastic teachings against the belief...
Let me say a few words tonight.I was with you again at the services and listened to the preacher as he expounded the truth of God and the truth of man as he conceived these truths to be, and I am compelled to say that if his future state of happ...
Dec. 5, 1915I AM HERE. Luke.I want to write a few lines on the subject about which you and your friend Dr. Stone were talking, and that is as to whether Spiritualism, as now understood and taught, supplies that which satisfies the souls of men i...
Let me say a word, as I was also present at the meeting tonight, and listened to the preacher as he unfolded what he thought to be the truth of God and man.Well, I will not stop to discuss many of the errors of his teachings or the workings of his mi...
This is the first formal message received by James E. Padgett.I AM HERE. Jesus:You are my true brother and will soon have the Love of our Father in your heart. Do not be discouraged or cast down for the Holy Spirit will soon fill your heart with the ...
I am here--Your own true and loving Helen.Well dear, I see that you are not very much enlightened by the preacher's discourse tonight, and I do not see why you should be, for he has no true conception of either God or man, and gave no help to th...

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