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Dec. 25, 1914.I AM HERE. Jesus:You are my dear brother, and I will tell you what I desire you to do at this time. You must not let the worries of your business life keep you from giving your thoughts to God in worship and in prayer, and from bel...
I am, Campbell.I am the founder of the Campbellites. Well, I have spelled it as it should be spelled. I know my followers are called Camellites, but that is not correct.But the name makes no difference, for I am the man, and these people are my ...
March 29, 1917I AM HERE. Mary Kennedy:I am here, and I will not keep my own dear soulmate waiting any longer, for he is just ready to explode from the anxiety that he has to hear from me. He may not acknowledge this to you, but it is true, for I...
Let me write. Judas.I have not written you for a long time and feel that I must write you and declare some truth that is of importance to you and to mankind. I will not write a very long message, and what I have to say will be put in short sente...
January 29, 1918.I AM HERE. Mary Kennedy:Well, my dear, I mean Leslie.You may think that I am a simple little English girl without having any knowledge of what the wise men of earth call psychology. Yet I know more about the soul than the scient...
What Judas has written you I approve and emphasize, and with all my love for the mere man as for the spirit, urge them to pursue the way and attain to the great goal that the Divine Love will fit them for and lead them into.I will not write more toni...
February 16, 1920.I AM HERE. Mary:Well, I am here and want to say a great deal, but as Helen has warned you I will not trespass very long, and Helen did me an injustice when she said I would want to write all evening. I am as considerate of you ...
I am here, Jesus.I have heard your discussion and am much pleased that you and your friend are progressing so rapidly in the knowledge of truth, and very soon you both will he surprised at the extent of knowledge of spiritual things and truths t...
Dec. 31, 1917I AM HERE, your own true and loving Helen:Well, dear, I see you are not feeling so well tonight and I will write only a short letter.As Dr. Stone said, the year has nearly gone never to be recalled and the thoughts of the year have ...
I am here, Jesus.Well I am so glad that you are so longing for this Love and I will tell you that the Father loves you with all His divine nature, and is helping you to receive this Love into your soul, and you will soon receive it in such abund...

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