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I am here, Jesus.Let me write tonight as you are in good condition, and I desire very much to write you in reference to a subject that is important for men to know.As I have before written you, there are two destinies for man in the spirit life,...
Let me write just a line as I merely desire to say that I have listened to what the Master has written and can testify that the love to God and love to our fellow man are not all that man needs for a basis of his religion. I was when on earth a minis...
I am here, must I say--Your own true and loving, Helen (Mrs. Padgett)While, in many instances, the evil spirits influence mortals in their thoughts and actions, yet this is not always the case and it will not do for mortals to think so. They are...
Come to the bridal chamber, death. Come to the young mother when she feels for the first time her new born's breath. And so death came to me when I was but a young bride and lived in expectation of a new, loving being that would be part of my flesh--...
I am here. Luke.I desire tonight to write for a short time on the text. "That the sins of the parents are visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generations."I know that usually the explanation of the text has been that the mat...
I am here. Judas Iscariot.I came tonight because I want to tell you of just what my condition and expectations were when I betrayed Jesus which resulted in his crucifixion.I was a very enthusiastic lover of the Master and believed thoroughly in ...
I am here. Judas.I come tonight to write a short message for I have been interested in what you and your friends have said regarding the "greatest sin".Now, to me, for a long time, the greatest sin in all the universe of God was my sin in betray...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra mi et mauris condimentum faucibus. Nunc a elit quis neque egestas faucibus. Phasellus felis augue, tristique tincidunt cursus sed, ornare eget nisl. Nam arcu justo, facilisis a orna...
I am here. St. John.Well, there are some things in my gospel that do not seem to be very plain, and perhaps are contradictory. But you must remember that many of these writings were not mine or written at my dictation.In the mutations of time ma...
I am here, John.I will not write now, except to say, that your spiritual condition is much improved and you are advancing in your soul perceptions of the truth and of the reality of the Father and His love.Yes, I know, but you must remember two ...

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