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I am a spirit who cannot tell you of the joys of heaven, but I can describe the horrors of hell, for just as these other spirits described to you their homes of beauty and happiness, I can describe my home of ugliness and torment.Do you wish me to do...
I am here, your own true and loving Helen.Well my dear, you have had a variety of writings tonight, and I have been greatly impressed with the last message that you received, for the writer was a very intelligent spirit and seemed to be without ...
Let me write a few lines as I desire to write you some truths about what you and your friend were discussing, namely, are there any such hells as are described in the messages contained in the book (Dr. Peeble's "Immortality") that you have been read...
Let me write just a word, as I am anxious to make known to you that I am interested in your work and in the development of the knowledge of the soul and the means by which all men may receive the Divine Love of the Father and become at-one with ...
SolomonI came merely to say that I have listened to your conversation tonight, and was much interested because you have discussed that phase of man's destiny which is most important in all the economy or plans of the Father.Your being chosen to do th...
Layton--John Layton.I wrote you once before at your office and was interrupted before I could finish.I merely want to say tonight that all the spirits who have written you about the magnificent power and glory of the Master, is true, and yet not half...
I am here. * Saleeba (Egyptian Princess).I want to tell you that I was a witness the other night to the wonderful display by Jesus of his great power and glory--and what a wonderful demonstration it was!I never in all my long experience in ...
White EagleI want to say that you are in a very good condition tonight and that a great spiritual power has been with you and made you stronger in your physical as well as in your soul condition.I have not written for a long time and I feel that I mu...
I am here--Helen. (Mrs. Padgett)Well, you have certainly had some wonderful messages tonight.What Solomon wrote you is true, for I have heard the Master say the same thing, as he has told me that you have been selected because of the reasons Solomon ...
I am here, Jesus.I am here according to promise, and desire to write you on a subject that all men should be acquainted with. "How the Divine Love enters into the soul of a man."As I have told you before, man is a creature of God, having a ...

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