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Let me write a line. Luke.I was with you tonight at the church and listened to what the preacher said in reference to religions and their point of contact, and was somewhat surprised at his declarations as to the analogy which he drew between th...
I am here, the spirit of one who died a great many years ago in a far distant country, and when the truths of Christianity were known and practiced by the followers of the Master in the purity in which he taught them. I was a disciple of his but I am...
I am here--Your true Helen.I will write only a line, as it is very late.I never saw him before, but he was from the Celestial Spheres, for he was a wonderfully bright and developed spirit, and had the love shining forth from his countenance to a...
I am here, James, and I came to write on the subject of: The Frailties of the Human Mind and Moral Qualities.I have heard you read the Master's message and believe that in it, you will find much truth upon which to reflect, and I desir...
I am here. Your own true and loving Helen (Mrs. Padgett).Well, dear, you have had a very pleasant evening, and so have we who have been with you listening to your conversation and I mean by "we" many spirits who are interested in both of yo...
I am here St. James, Apostle of Jesus:I come to write my message as Elias told you I would. Well, I desire to write on the subject of what is the great truth respecting the way that the destruction of the powers of temptation that arises from th...
I am here--Your own true and loving Helen (Mrs. Padgett):Well dear, I see that you are disappointed tonight in not receiving the message from James, so that you could write it as he intended to deliver it.Well, the conditions were not good ...
I am here. Paul.Yes.I come tonight to write you upon a subject that may be of interest to you and important to all mankind. If you are in condition to receive my message I will write.Well, the subject is:--What is the real body that is resurrect...
I am here. Jesus.I intended to finish my discourse tonight, but it is now too late, and I will have to postpone it.Well, there are cases where such results follow, and it is not astonishing that it is so, for these mediums who surrender their ow...
I was an inhabitant of India when that country was not known of to modern nations, and I lived near the great Himalaya mountains on a plain that was then fertile and peopled by a vast number of inhabitants who worshiped the Gods of whom the later Bra...

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