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I am here. Saelish.I was, when on earth, an inhabitant of the great Empire of Assyria of which Nineveh was the capital. I was not a king but was one of a great king's magicians or wise men, and when I lived was a man of great influence and power...
I am here. Jesus.I come tonight according to promise, and desire to write my message, if you are in condition to receive it.I wish to write on the subject of: What is the correct way in which a man should live the life on earth, in order to...
I am here. Jesus.I see that you are in better condition tonight, and it may be that we can continue the message.Well, as I was saying, the only way in which a mortal may obtain the development of his soul condition, without the help of the Divin...
I am here. Luther.I come tonight to say that I would like to write again very soon as I desire to write further in the line of thought of my last message.I see that you are too tired to write tonight and I will not ask you to do so, but if you c...
I am here. Your own true and loving Helen.Well, my own dear Ned, you have had a very entertaining letter from the Master tonight, and I am glad that you were in condition to receive it so well. He said that you were very successful and he is ple...
I am here. Luke.I come tonight to say a few words concerning the great truth of the development of the soul in its natural love, wherein the New Birth is never experienced.I know that men think that this natural love has in it a part of the divi...
I am here, Luke.Well do you think you can take my message tonight? It looks like you may, at any rate we will try.As I was saying, in what way is a man to obtain this development of the soul in its natural love?In the first place, he must recognize t...
I am here--Jesus.My truths are plain and my teachings can be understood by the simple. Any religion which requires the exercise of the mental faculties to an extent greater than what is required in the ordinary affairs of life, cannot be a true relig...
I am here. Luke.I heard the doctor ask, what do the Celestial Spirits think of this war, and I will in a few words tell him.Well, first he must know that the Celestial Spirits are not so much interested in the war and the success or defeat of na...
I am here, Jesus.I was with you to night and heard the speaker's discourse on the "Drama of St. Paul."Well it was very interesting and in some places impressive, and should produce a great effect upon the hearers. Many things that the speaker re...

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