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I am here, St. Paul.Well, my brother, I was with you at the discourse on the "Drama of St. Paul," and was much interested in the subject matter, and also in the manner in which the speaker delivered his discourse. He was somewhat dramatic himself, an...
I am here, Samuel, The Prophet.I am the prophet who came to you before and wrote. To night, I want to tell you of the wonderful things which God has prepared for his redeemed children in the Celestial Spheres, where only those who have rece...
St. Jerome.I came to tell you that I am an inhabitant of that Kingdom which Samuel has so inadequately described, and that is the kingdom of Jesus and of course of the Father.You may not know anything about me, but I was canonized many centuries ago ...
I am here. JohnI merely want to say that I have listened to the message that you read and to the remarks of your friend and yourself, and believe that you have a true conception of the truth as to these hells.Swedenborg gave you a correct descri...
I am here. John.I was with you tonight and heard the sermon on hell, and was so sorry that the preacher could not tell his people more of the truths as to what hell is and the punishment of those who will be so unfortunate as to go to that place...
I am here. St. John (Apostle of Jesus).I want to write tonight on a subject that is important, and I hope that you will be able to receive my message, for I have been waiting for some time to deliver it.Well, I desire to discourse on the su...
I am here. John.I desire to finish my message and hope that you are in condition to receive it.Well, as I was writing about the future or destiny of the soul that has not experienced the New Birth, I will continue where I left off.When the soul ...
I am here--Cornelius.I want to write merely a few lines tonight--I am so very much interested in you and your work, that I feel that I should give you some encouragement in the way of letting you know that there are many spirits present here tonight ...
I am here--Samuel.I come to write you that I am with you in love and hope for your present blessing and happiness.I know that the worries of life prevent you from realizing the influence of this Great Love which is surrounding you and which is r...
Our Father, who art in heaven, we recognize that Thou art all Holy and loving and merciful, and that we are Thy children, and not the subservient, sinful and depraved creatures that our false teachers would have us believe. That we are the great...

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