The Divine Truth Must be Declared to All Mankind.

I am here, Jesus.

Let me write for I am anxious to tell you that you are in a much better condition than you have been for a long time, and your thoughts of today and especially of tonight have put you in a spiritual condition, and if you continue in these thoughts and longings you will soon enable us to make the rapport by which we can continue our messages with greater frequency and with exact expression of what we desire to convey.

I have been with you a great deal today, and have tried to exercise upon your soul and mind an influence that will cause you to more fully realize the responsibility that rests upon you and the importance of the work that you are to do. I was with you at church this morning and saw the impression made upon your mind by the preacher, when he asked the question: if any one had anything to offer that would show him that he had not grasped all of the truth as to the spiritual things, as he called them, that would cause men to aspire for and obtain a higher course of living, and also saw that you realized that your work, if carried to its conclusions, would answer that question. And so you must think of this question and try with all the powers that have been given you to learn these truths, so they can be made known--not only to the preachers of the so-called Christian Churches but to all mankind. You already have truths enough to show this minister that he is not preaching the true Christian spirituality that I came to the world to teach. and did teach, and that he must not rest satisfied with his knowledge of spiritual things but must seek for more light and truth, and then make them a part of his own possessions, and teach them to the world of men, and especially those to whom he has the opportunity of ministering.

I am much pleased that you are in so much better condition of soul, and want you to persist in your efforts to obtain more of the love of the Father and then you will be able to bring true enlightenment to the unthinking and unknowing world of the truths that are so vital to their salvation.

I was also with you tonight and saw the impression made on you by the preacher when he set forth Samuel as he then was, as an example to be followed by the true seekers after the important things that lead to spiritual regeneration and perfect manhood, and was glad that you could appreciate how far the character of Samuel fell short of what is necessary to make a man the Divine Angel, or even the perfect man. The preacher does not experience the truth of the Divine Love in his soul, and in fact has not even an intellectual knowledge of its existence and operations. He believes that I am God, and that my blood washes away the sins of all men who believe in me; and thus thinking, he is satisfied to rest upon the promise of the Gospels, which he accepts as the true teachings of me.

Samuel is now here, and was with you at the church, and realized how devoid he was, at the time spoken of by the preacher, of that thing which was necessary to his salvation, and that his demand upon the people to behold him, and then bring any charge of unrighteousness that they could against him and his conduct as a servant and prophet of Jehovah. This is a very pretty story and to a certain extent contains in it a teaching of the moral laws, that works for good, but it is not more important than many other things contained in the Old Testament. * Samuel will come some time and write you of his life on earth, and his ministry as a servant of Jehovah.

Well my dear brother, I will not write more tonight, but will soon come and write an important message, which I know will not only benefit but interest you.

Well, I will write on the subject that you suggest, for this is an important thing for men to know, as so many think they are doing God's will in their various courses of living and in their various forms of worship. His will is one that corresponds with all the laws that affect man in every way, and men must know what this will is.

I will come soon and write on this subject and hope that you may be successful in receiving my message as I intend to deliver it.

With my love and blessing, and the assurance that I will be with you in all times of need, and try to direct you in your thoughts, I will say good night.

Your friend and brother, JESUS.

Vol. II, p. 229

* Message from Samuel Edition II, Vol.- I-Pages 270-273.

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