What It Is that Makes A Man Divine?

I AM HERE. Jesus.

I wish to write tonight on the subject: "What it is that makes a man divine."

When man was created he was given the highest qualities that could be bestowed upon a mortal, and yet he was mere man, but the perfect one, and with these qualities was given him the possibility of becoming divine like the Father in his nature; but this gift was never possessed by him in its enjoyment of full fruition until after my coming to earth, and making known to man that such a possibility existed.

The first created man never possessed this gift in its fulfillment, but merely had the possibility of receiving it, on condition that he continued in his obedience, and made the effort to receive it in the way that the Father declared was the only way.

You have been told in detail what this gift was, and how the first parents forfeited the enjoyment of it by their disobedience and ambition to possess it in a way that was not in accord with the Father's way.

As we have said, man lost this possibility at the time of the first disobedience, and thereafter became gradually a man with his moral nature sinking lower and lower until he became almost lost in the condition of the beasts in the field. And from that condition he has been steadily improving or progressing towards his first estate of purity.

But a great many men have ceased to know, or have never known, that God is the Creator of all things, and that all creation is dependent upon Him for its very existence, and in their assurance and self importance they have assumed and professed to believe that their progress or salvation depends upon their own efforts, and that these efforts are sufficient to bring about this state of purity or harmony with God's laws and desires.

But in this men are mistaken, for there is nothing in them that is divine, and there never will be where they depend upon their own selves to progress to this state of perfection. The divine nature of the Father is not in man and will never become a part of him until he pursues the way which is absolutely necessary for him to follow in order to become anything more than mere man.

I will not write more tonight as I think it best not to do so.

I understand that you could not prevent your condition of sleepiness, and I do not blame you, but I think it best to wait until later to finish what I desire to write.

Well, my dear brother, believe that I have only love for you, and will get close to you as we progress--so I say, don't worry.

I will say good-night.

Your brother and friend, JESUS



Vol. II, pg. 134
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