The following excerpts are all taken from
True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Volumes 1-4

"A long prayer, or even one formulated into words, is not necessary, as in order to have the longing it is not necessary that words should be used to give it form. The longing may be rapid as unformed thought, and as effective for the Father to catch, as I may say. The longing is quicker than the thought, and the answer to the same will come with as much certainty and Love as if you were to put the longing into the most exact form." Vol I, p. 3

"Make your daily life one of prayer and aspirations, and you will see that what I have told you is not only true, but you can make it a part of yourself. You have only to let your desires turn towards God, and He will meet you more than half way, for He never sleeps or closes His ear to the supplications of His children; and those who have sought Him with an earnest and repentant wish and longing desire of the soul, know that He has always responded to their call."
---Vol. II, p. 32

"Do not let worries, or disappointments keep you from seeking His Love and believing that He is waiting to enfold you in His arms of mercy and Love, for He is not only waiting but wants you to call on Him. Do not let the thought that He is afar up in the Heavens cause you to think that He is not always near you anxiously waiting your call."  Vol. II, p. 39.

 "God wants and is patiently waiting for the love of man, and is always the loving Father who delights not in the suffering of His creatures, for He wants their love to come voluntarily and without constraint or fear of punishment or hope of reward, except that reward which must necessarily follow the blending of God's love and the love of man." Vol I, p. 12.

 "Let not your desires be only of the intellect, but try to bring into activity the longings of the soul, and do not rest satisfied until a response shall come, and it will certainly come, and you will know that the Love is present working its transforming power upon the soul."  Vol. I, p. 345

"No Mortal is so insignificant or so unimportant that I will not seek him as an individual and let him know that I am interested in him and that my love is with him, trying to bring him into reconciliation with the Father." -- Vol  IV, p 139

 "….there is a kingdom greater and different…..and that is the Celestial Kingdom of God; and only those who receive of the Divine Essence can become inhabitants of this Kingdom. The souls of men must become transformed into the very nature Divine of God, and the natural love of man be changed in all its qualities and elements into the Divine Love of the Father."  - Vol. I, pg. 12

"The Love is the greatest thing in all the world, and the only thing that can make man at-one with the Father, and change the soul of man as it has existed since his creation, into a Divine Substance filled with the Essence of the Father. There is nothing else in all the universe of God that can cause man to become a new creature, and an inhabitant of the Father's Kingdom; and when men possess this Love, they possess everything then that will make them not only the perfect man but also the divine angel."
--Vol. 1, p. 34


"No man can come to the Father's Love, except he be born again. This is the great and fundamental truth which men must learn and believe, for without this new birth men cannot partake of the Divine Essence of God's Love, which, when possessed by a man, makes him at one with the Father.  This Love comes to man by the workings of the Holy Ghost, causing this love to flow into the heart and soul, and filling it, so that all sin and error must be eradicated.
I am not going to tell to-night just how this working of the spirit operates, but, I say, if a man will pray to the Father and believe, and earnestly ask that this Love be given him, he will receive it; and when it comes into his soul he will realize it.
Let not men think that by any effort of their own they can come into this union with the father, because they cannot. No river can rise higher than its source; and no man who has only the natural love and filled with error can of his own powers cause that natural love to partake of the Divine, or his nature to be relieved of such sin and error. "     Vol. I, pg. 317


"This Love is the greatest thing in all the world and the only thing that can make man at one with the Father, and change the soul of man as it has existed since his creation, into a Divine Substance, filled with the Essence of the Father. There is nothing else in all the universe of God that can cause man to become a new creature, and an inhabitant of the Father's Kingdom; and when men possess this Love, then they possess everything that will make them not only the perfect man but the divine angel."  Vol. I, pg. 34

"Faith and prayer can open the very heart of the Celestial Spheres, and Love will flow down into your soul as the avalanche of snow that feels the warmth of the sun's bright rays rushes from its mountain heights when winter leaves with its chilling gloom and blasting breath for other climes. Love is not only warmth, but it is the very burnings of the soul's great storehouse of God's Divine Essence.  I am not only the possessor of this Love to a large degree, but I realize that as I advance to higher spheres there is a greater abundance awaiting to fill my soul with its great undying fires of never ending burnings--but burnings so great and free from everything that makes for unhappiness and discontent." Vol. II, pg. 28

"He is not willing that one of His children should perish, and when they go astray His Great Heart of Love yearns for them to return and partake of His bounties and blessings. You must try with all your heart to realize this truth, for it is a truth, it is the greatest truth taught us by Jesus, who is the greatest of all teachers. Make your daily life one of prayer and aspirations, and you will see that what I have told you is not only true, but you can make it a part of yourself. You have only to let your desires turn towards God, and He will meet you more than half way, for He never sleeps, or closes His ear to the supplications of His children…."  Vol. II pg. 32

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