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I am a spirit who has never written you before, and would not now, except that I have the opportunity to tell you of some things that you may not know.I am a spirit who lived as a man when the earth was young, and men had not become so filled with si...
Let your mind be open to the conviction that I and all the others of the disciples of Jesus have and can write to you in testimony of your selection to do the great work that you have been called to do. Never was mortal so favored by the greatest man...
Ezekiel Gained the Title of "Father of Judaism"I am here, Jesus:In the sign of the two sticks, Chapter 37, Ezekiel goes on to have God say that the people will be united as one nation, referring of course to the separate states, Israel and Judah, and...
I AM HERE. Prof. Salyards. (Celestial Spirit)Well I am very happy and desire to write you on some phases of spirit life that I have observed in my experience of progressing.I have noticed that the spirit when it first comes into this life, is ve...
Let me supplement what St. Stephen wrote. I am an apostle of the Master and was called Barnabas, the partner of Paul in much of his ministry in extending and making known the truths of the Master throughout Asia and also Judea. I was not only the col...
The Double Vision of Ezekiel's PropheciesI am here: Jesus:One of the reasons why Ezekiel was concerned with the priesthood and its function was knowledge that priests had not lived up to their duties to lead the people in the path of righteousness. T...
Let me write a short time to-night as I see that you are anxious to hear from some of your friends in the spirit world. I have not written for a long time, though I have been desirous to do so, and and to-night will say only a few words in reference ...
I am here. Your old partner.Why, Padgett, such testimony as that would have established in court any fact that you or I might have asserted. Just think a moment. Here are witnesses of the highest character, with the knowledge and opportunity for...
The Second Isaiah - Voice of LiberationI am here, Jesus:The voice of liberation, or redemption by the Lord, comes to the exiles of Babylonia with the rise of Cyrus the Persian, prince of Anshan, who made himself ruler in his own country and began sub...
I AM HERE. Your Old Friend, G_____.I desire to write to you to-night upon a subject which I think will be interesting, but it is so late now I hesitate to do so.Well, as you think it will be all right, I will do so. I want to write on the subjec...

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