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I am here, Kate Stone:Tell my brother that what he heard a few nights ago in reference to me is true, and that I am engaged with my whole heart and soul in the work of helping the dark and suffering spirits, and when I succeed in turning some towards...
I am here. Your grandmother.I have been listening to your conversation tonight and am much pleased to see that you and your friend are growing in your conceptions of the truth.The matter of the unpardonable sin is one that is of the greatest imp...
I am here. Jesus.I want to tell you, once and for all, that the Holy Ghost is not God and that the unpardonable sin is a thing which has no existence either in the world of mortals or in the spirit world: I never used the expression contained in...
I am here, St. Luke.I was with you at church and heard the sermon on the unpardonable sin, and was much interested in the way in which the preacher dealt with the subject. His discourse was very plausible, but it is not true. As Jesus has told y...
I am here, Latham.I was a preacher in the days of the Reformation, and died in England a martyr to my beliefs and preachings.I merely came to tell you that you must believe in what Luke wrote you as to the unpardonable sin, for I know that it is...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra mi et mauris condimentum faucibus. Nunc a elit quis neque egestas faucibus. Phasellus felis augue, tristique tincidunt cursus sed, ornare eget nisl. Nam arcu justo, facilisis a orna...
I am here, Swedenborg.Well, I am sorry to say that my work was a failure; and that, because of that fact, I have suffered very much since I became a spirit. I know now that what I attempted to do was injured by my preconceived ideas based on the...
I am here. Swedenborg.I merely want to say that I have been reading my work as you read, and that I now realize how many statements of error and untruth I made in that work. The errors are so many that it will take a longer time than I have toni...
I am here. Luke.I come to tell you that you must not doubt that Swedenborg wrote to you, and what you wrote, or rather, received, in answer to your questions, he actually wrote. We are all desirous that he shall write you on the subjects that he...
I am here. Your own true and loving Helen.Well dear, I come to say that Swedenborg actually wrote you, as I realize that you had a doubt come into your mind as to whether he really wrote. He actually answered your questions in his own words, and...

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